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Ancient cultures typically had a shaman, or the one who knows. Often referred to as the medicine man, medicine woman, seer, nagual, cosmic clown, and variety of other similar names. The shaman is someone who has healed themselves, become whole, united their missing parts, performed soul retrieval, and is now healing others. Carl Jung referred to this person as the wounded healer. Shamanic drumming is a method of meditation and communion with universal energies that brings healing energies to the participants.

Level up your meditation and sound healing experience through a Shamanic Drumming experience. For thousands of years healers have known steady, harmonic drum beats induce alpha wave cycles in the brain. Combined with relaxation and active imagination, the Shamanic Drum creates a trance-like, meditative state. Participants can experience a powerful state of presence that allows them to step away from processing the past, or worrying about the future, opening the door to intuition and self discovery.  Whether you are an experienced journeyer seeking assistance from spirit guides, are new to meditation and working on inner connections, or find sound and vibration to be therapeutic, we have an offering for you.

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